The Different Types of Tigers

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The tiger has nine subspecies. Three of these are already extinct. The historical range of tigers all across Asia is now significantly smaller. The surviving subspecies of the Pathera tigris trigris, which is popularly known by its common name, Bengal tiger can be found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal. It is still the subspecies with the most living individuals left, even with its mere 2,500 adult tiger population.

  1. Bengal
  2. Siberian
  3. Indochinese
  4. Malayan
  5. South China
  6. Sumatran Tiger
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What do Tigers Eat

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Tiger eating giant croc

Tigers eat pretty much anything ,from Croc’s to Crickets

Have you ever caught yourself pondering what do Tigers eat? You can’t say that you haven’t because that means that you wouldn’t have ended up here! Let us teach you all about the dietary habits of one of the most amazing big cats in the world.

Tigers are carnivores, meaning that their diet consists of meat, flesh, and fats off of animals that they catch. This is where they get all of their protein and other dietary requirements in order to conduct day to day activities.

Where To Buy tigers

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  • India
  • Egypt
  • The Dark Web
  • R.W.A.R
  • Illegal Poachers
  • Tigers are in fact quite hard to buy.


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It was a dream until yesterday, now it’s true. Directly from our India breedings, we give you the possibility to buy a tiger ONLINE and without any trouble.
Tiger is probably the strongest feline predator on earth, but you will discover that it can be a lovely pet as well, loyal, friendly and TOTALLY HARMLESS.
We have been shipping tigers worldwide since 1984, giving our lucky customers the chance to own the most fashionable animal in earth.
We ship the tigers via sea everywhere in the world, .
Obviously, a tiger isn’t an animal for everyone. This is for true nature lovers and purists, and it comes 5 months old, already trained to be nice with its owner, to eat meat and respond to basilar voice orders.

Where to find tigers in the wild

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  1. Bangladesh 
  2. South Korea
  3. North Korea
  4. India
  5. Malaysia
Tigers are endangered in India, Nepal, Indonesia, Russia, China and elsewhere largely because of habitat destruction, poaching and loss of prey. Only 3,000 remain in the wild, according to the WildlifeConservation Society (WCS). ♥♠♦♣ This is because there is a crazy amount of illegal poaching that is still continuing.


The Tiger Journey Begins

The best Tiger quotes we could find to 

Tigers are majestic creatures – Diarmaid Mc Dermott


These are the animals that are the reason why you don’t see old animals in the wild. You don’t see sick animals in the wild. You don’t see lame animals in the wild, and its all because of the predator: the lion, the tiger, the leopard, all the cats. – Tippi Hedren


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